
Showing posts from June, 2021

Gravestones and Rabbit Holes

My visit to Paducah last spring covered about five days. I flew in on a Wednesday night and out on a Monday. Much of what I share now will incorporate things learned after, dots I connected in the middle of the night, oh-my-fucking-god realizations that occured, I don't know, maybe when I was in the shower. During my trip there were visits to the McKracken County Public Library, the local civil war museum, Green Book destintation Hotel Metropolitan, the mainline Catholic church, I-Hop and another grave yard. The cemetery in town where most not-catholics historically were buried is Oak Grove. There's yet another cemetery where, I gather, not-catholic-not-negro- not-poor -people were buried. I didn't visit that one. Now there are lots of threads to follow but I need to follow the one that runs through Oak Grove -- and backwards from there. It was placed in my hands, unintentionally I think, by Nathan one of the county library's archivists. The two of us still haven'